Saturday, July 2, 2022 – Crossfit Albuquerque


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CrossFit Albuquerque – Residence Exercises

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200-400m run

20 banded good mornings

3×10 reps band stroll outs


Metcon (Time)

“Eva Strong”

5 RFT (with a Accomplice)

24 Double-Unders (collectively)

19 Toes-to-Bars (break up)

2 Clear-and-Jerks (205/135 lb) (break up)

400 meter Run (collectively)

RX – 205/135lbs

Scaled L1 – 185/115lbs

Scaled L2 – 135/95lbs

Scaled L3 – glad weights

“In Honor of Eva Mireles, an avid crossfitter, who died shielding her 4th grade college students from a gunman at Robb Elementary Faculty in Uvalde, Texas. She was killed together with one other instructor and 19 college students. This exercise is in honor of her and all those that misplaced their lives.

The rep scheme signifies:

– 5 rounds for the month of the incident

– 24 Double-Unders for the day

– 19 Toes-to-Bars for the variety of college students who misplaced their lives

– 2 Clear-and-Jerks for the two lecturers who misplaced their lives.

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