How Exercise Increases Pain Tolerance


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How Exercise Increases Pain Tolerance

Exercise increases pain tolerance in a spectrum of different ways. Of course, it depends on the workout you choose and the type of discomfort you’re feeling, but research has clearly shown that the threshold will rise with many forms of physical activity.

Yes, Exercise Increases Pain Tolerance

It would be nice never to feel any pain, but that is simply not a possibility for most people. However, there is an effective way to make your pain less of an issue. Did you know that exercise increases pain tolerance if you do it right and if you do it often enough?

According to recent studies, that is exactly the case, but there are a few things you need to know first. Most importantly, you need to understand just how this effect works so that you do not overwork yourself in an effort to make your pain go away.  Remember that the key isn’t to push through pain you’re feeling. Instead, it’s to exercise appropriately to allow your body’s natural response to raise your threshold to the discomfort level.

The Release of Endorphins and Dopamine into the Body

It is difficult to feel any pain when you are in an elevated emotional state, more so if that emotional state is positive. Exercise increases pain tolerance because it releases endorphins and dopamine into your body at a natural and healthy rate, unlike synthetic drugs or other methods. This is what helps you to feel better throughout the entire day, not only while you are at the gym. On top of that, it helps to alleviate any pains you are already experiencing.

Fostering Greater Flexibility, Which Reduces Sprains and Strains

If your body is nicely stretched out, limber, and prepared for the day, then you are less likely to get hurt or feel pain. Flexibility helps you to tolerate things that would have caused you discomfort otherwise. Those who know that exercise increases pain tolerance always add a stringent stretching session into their workout regimen just for this reason. In fact, without proper flexibility, you can begin to feel stiff and experience pain in places that have not even seen action.

Fit Bodies Are Tough Bodies

Thinking of your body as though it was a well-oiled machine is a great way to improve your physique to the point of toughness, at least in terms of pain tolerance. Bodies that are exercised regularly are sturdier and more robust for the most part, which makes them less susceptible to pain and physical problems. If you understand that exercise increases pain tolerance, then you will most likely begin noticing a difference in yourself very soon.

Want to Benefit from How Exercise Increases Pain Tolerance?

Speak with your doctor or with a professional trainer for more information or to structure a workout that is right for your needs. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Get some good advice and get out there to the gym!

This is not just generally good advice but is extremely important if you’re suffering from an injury or from chronic pain that you’re hoping will decrease through your exercise.  Remember that while your workout may cause chemical balances to change in your body to overall reduce the sensation of discomfort, not all physical activities are appropriate for an injury or medical condition. This is also a great chance to discuss whether you’d benefit from the added support of FENFAST diet pills if another goal for your workouts is weight loss (since reducing bodyweight when you’re overweight can also help to reduce pain).

If your workout choice or frequency is only making an injury worse, for instance, then you’re not going to benefit from the effort overall. Instead, take the time to check with a doctor or physical trainer to know for certain that the options you’re choosing are appropriate for your fitness level and unique medical needs. Once you know that, you’ll be all set to move ahead and start getting stronger, fitter, and reduce the pain you feel overall.

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