How a Weight Loss Coach Keeps You Accountable


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How a Weight Loss Coach Keeps You Accountable

It’s much easier to stick to a weight loss plan when you have support. In fact, when it comes to successfully managing and sustaining weight loss, data suggests that you require more accountability than you can give yourself.

A study discussed by Harvard Business Review found that the two most important factors when achieving a goal are specificity and accountability. The article says “When you decide to pursue a goal, your chances of success fall somewhere between 10% and 25%. By sharing your goal with someone you care about, you raise the likelihood to 65%. And when you ask that person to meet with you on a regular basis to check in, your probability of success skyrockets to 95%.”

When I decided to start helping women reach their own health goals by becoming a weight loss coach after my own incredible 40lb weight loss, I made it my mission to make losing weight delicious and fun. But I quickly noticed something missing from the equation of other popular weight loss programs – many women didn’t have the right type and right amount of accountability to live in the body of their dreams.

What do I mean by accountability?

The definition of accountability is taking responsibility for something that you’ve done or something you intend to do. It’s both the obligation and willingness to accept responsibility for your actions. But it’s difficult to hold yourself accountable if you feel like you don’t have a clear path forward, let alone enough time in the day. That’s where the help of an online accountability coach for weight loss comes in.

When you’re a busy professional, as most of my weight loss coaching clients are, it’s often simpler to deprioritize your own weight loss goals over the demands of daily life. You might grab a coffee for breakfast as you rush to your first appointment, order takeout from the same few places while you eat lunch at your desk, then take a couple bites of the dinner the kids didn’t eat after you put them to bed. Sure, you’d like to eat healthier, and ultimately you’re alive at the end of each day, but at what cost? Your overall health, energy, mental clarity, and well-being?

That’s why the most effective way to reach your weight loss goals quickly is by partnering with a weight loss accountability coach.

If that statement just struck fear into your heart – you’re not alone. It’s common to be apprehensive about what being held accountable actually means. To assuage any worries, here’s what accountability does and does not looks like at Masala Body:

What it is:

  • Kind
  • Motivating
  • Positive
  • Understanding
  • Encouraging
  • Supportive
  • Flexible
  • Meets you where you are at

What it’s NOT:

  • Punitive
  • Demanding
  • Cliquey
  • Demeaning
  • Coercive
  • Chastising
  • Severe
  • Expects you to be perfect

At Masala Body, accountability is a critical part of both the one-on-one and online group support you’ll receive. We’re there with you through every step of the journey giving you the empathy, personalized support, and knowledge you need for complete success.

Here are just some of the methods I use to keep people on a clear path to victory as an online weight loss accountability coach:

One on One Weight Loss Accountability Coaching

First and foremost, when you join Masala Body you get me as your personal, one-on-one weight loss accountability coach, and I’ll be there to support you through the whole process. You’ll tell me about your schedule and what foods you like or don’t like, and I’ll provide you with weekly menus, recipes, and shopping lists for delicious meals you’ll look forward to preparing and eating.

Then, we’ll have regular Zoom calls where we discuss your achievements and challenges, I’ll answer any questions that pop up, plus I’ll provide professional advice and personalized feedback to help keep you motivated and melting away fat. You’ll never feel like you’re alone on this journey again! We’ll start with small but mighty changes to make it easy to stay accountable, then build towards larger goals over time.

I like to start by reviewing your usual morning routine and creating a customized plan to turn it into a metabolism-boosting, fat-burning, supercharged morning routine that incorporates the food you actually like to eat. From there, we evolve into learning how to make your diet (the foods you like) taste good and benefit your body every day.

Instead of a cookie-cutter recipe plan, I give you customized feedback based on what you like to eat so you can keep enjoying it while still dropping pounds, and you can quit wasting time worrying about and planning a diet that may or may not work for your goals. I also teach you a fat burning framework where you’ll learn how to easily combine the foods you like to maximize weight loss. You’ll never have to figure out anything on your own – I’ll be alongside you, supporting you, troubleshooting with you, holding you accountable, and celebrating your success!

Online Weight Loss Group Accountability

Along with me, you have automatic access to support from dozens of other women who are just like you. During our weekly group calls, you’ll hear from women all over the country that have or are experiencing the same struggles, barriers, and challenges as you – and are overcoming them. You’ll see your peers getting the results you’re working towards, and they’ll witness your transformation as well.

Part of group accountability through Masala Body is using other people’s experience and support to help you align your weight loss to what’s happening in your life. For example, say you’re worried about attending an out of town wedding over the weekend. The group is going to give you suggestions, tips, alternatives, and encouragement on how you can still enjoy yourself without going off the rails. And when you check in with the group after the wedding, we’re going to ask how that went for you, and give you love and support no matter what.

Group accountability isn’t about getting mad when someone doesn’t stick to the plan or saying “I told you so”, it’s about meeting you where you’re at. Best of all, these meetings are all recorded so when life gets a little too hectic and you just can’t make the Zoom meeting, you can still check in when you’re free and listen to the recording.

Accountability Tools for Weight Loss

If you research weight loss accountability, you’ll see dozens of suggestions on how to stay accountable to yourself, including strategies like tracking your results and keeping a food diary. But if a tree falls in the forest and there isn’t anyone to hear it – does it make a sound? Similarly, if there isn’t anyone else checking up on you, are you really going to keep at it?

A study published by Drexel University researchers says no. “We were interested to see if weight-loss maintenance would be better when [weight loss] coaches could see the data and provide feedback and a sense of accountability to participants, which might help sustain a high level of motivation to keep up healthy eating behaviors and physical activity,” researchers said. What they found was when weight loss coaches had access to participant’s data, it helped keep them more accountable.

When you work with me as your online weight loss coach, I share the accountability with you. You get an automatic accountability partner that cares just as much about your health as you do, and does the work to help you succeed.

For example, one accountability tool we’ll share is my Progress Tracker. Each week you’ll fill out this quick, confidential form with key information like your weight, measurements, and amount of physical activity for the week. Then I’ll review your data and make personal recommendations based on the details you’ve provided through weekly progress check-ins.

Another accountability tool we’ll use is a Three Day Food Diary. You’ll track your food for just three days, send it to me, and I give you very specific feedback on how to adjust your diet so that you burn more fat on a scientific level.

Holding yourself accountable is not always the most efficient way to reach your weight loss goals. You can become so accustomed to your daily habits that you may not realize when those choices are actually working against you. With the help of a weight loss coach that arms you with knowledge, helps you set specific goals, gives you real time advice and feedback, and holds you accountable, you’ll be able to achieve more transformation (and buy that new swimsuit for vacation) in less time.

Interested in learning more about weight loss accountability strategies and tools from MasalaBody? Check out my 12-month transformation accountability weight loss coaching. You can also book a call with me if you’re ready to get started.

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