Is a salad always the healthiest choices — Sarah Pelc Graca – Virtual Weight Loss Coach Strong with Sarah


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Is a salad always the healthiest choices — Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach Strong with Sarah

Have you done this?

You want to start eating better and dieting so when you go out for dinner next you order a salad with all the good stuff on it and leave thinking ” ahh I made a healthy choice go me”

Unfortunately, I have some bad news, salads aren't always the healthiest option.

Here's what I mean:

Take California Pizza Kitchen's Waldorf salad for instance and let's compare it to a big mac.

Surprisingly the Big Mac value meal from McDonald’s is actually fewer calories since the Waldorf salad contains 240 MORE calories than the entire Mickey D’s value meal!

Will the salad keep you feeling full for a longer period? Technically yes.

HOWEVER, it’s at the cost of a MUCH HIGHER calorie and fat count.

Marketing has tricked us into thinking that ALL salads are a smarter choice for weight loss, but the truth that it comes down to is your portion size AND the ingredients within the salad.

If your salad is loaded with exaggerated portions of high-calorie toppings like croutons, nuts, cheeses, sugary or creamy dressings, like the Waldorf salad, chances are you’re eating more calories than you realize!

My point here isn’t to compare which meal is MORE nutritious, which option is “good” or “bad,” or which option is “better” or “worse.”

I want to simply bring light to the fact that if you want to lose weight, you need to be cautious of your portion sizes and the ingredients within your meals, especially at restaurants salads included.

Have you fallen for this trick before?

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