Heal your body and being


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Heal your body and being

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A warm hello to all you magicians out there!

Do you enjoy art forms? Isn’t it amazing how different pieces of art invoke different feelings?!

Every piece of art has associated energy to it. No two people can produce the same artwork. Brilliant masterpieces are often channeled, not thought.

Would you be interested in art forms that can heal specific issues? What if you could engage with them in different ways.. gazing and meditating, touching, coloring, or simply leaving it out in your space?

Visit and like the Lightlogue page and search through the Photos to get the gift Lightlogues.


Get the success you always wanted
What if success was simply a certain set of behaviors that help you achieve your goals?

What if there was no mystery to it, but simply a way of being? There are many elements to being successful that include – You and the Environment (Energies) you are in! This month, we are bringing you 2 offerings that will transform both these aspects.

Conscious and Prosperous Healer with Facilitator Tamanna Goplani 
This class is about functioning from a conscious space and letting go of the conflicts around prosperity. Whether you are a healer or a homemaker, you deal with people all the time.
Relationships are inevitable. A conscious way of functioning in relationships is integral to your own health and success. This class can teach you

  • More awareness in relationships with people
  • Being entangled and attached (unconscious) v/s being conscious
  • Being in allowance of peoples’ choices – you are not responsible for peoples’ lives!
  • Busting myths around healing – drop the burden of fixing people(family included)!
  • Exercises to transmute unconsciousness – have greater joy in life!
  • Choosing prosperity and releasing conflicts around prosperity (grow your business – whichever it is!)
  • Conducting conscious sessions (or meetings!)

This class is replete with tools and exercises to shift your way of being. Go here to know more


An amazing share:

“I just completed listening to conscious and prosperous healer basic.
Nila could have named it conscious parenting, dealing with mother in law, relationship class, and it would still be relevant.
For me, it opened up how I have been dealing with my son. It has led me to drop expectations, or at least name them out to him. I now spell out the situation to him. I tell him what is expected behaviour and what he has been doing, rather than scolding and projecting that he does not understand. And so much more. Yesterday I went about my day with a grumpy mil, without being pushed around but in allowance and she came around ?
As Smriti rightly put it at the end of the course, it is about how we function in our lives.
Nila has poured out her years of accumulated wisdom and it is a treasure trove of beingness.
In gratitude ??✨”

11 Days of Prosperity Blessings from Expert Healers
Change the vibe, change your life!

You may have noticed that you tend to feel different in the presence of different people. You might actively seek someone’s company because it is a contribution to you and creates greater for you.

Sometimes, the best plans don’t work out because the circumstances and energies around are not favorable.

Light Key Blessings are energetic contributions from higher realms that can raise the vibrations around a situation.

Sign up to receive blessings for prosperity by Expert Healers Suguna, Monika, and Anupama. The blessings are an opportunity for you to transform into a higher vibrational reality.

Go here to know more and sign up:


You also get a discount code for possibilities attunement by Nila when you sign up.

Check our website for calls and recorded training:

Not sure where to start with Light Keys? Talk to a Facilitator by filling out a request form at the end of the page at this link:

Check our offers curated with love, just for you:

Or, you can take any and all of our free courses:

Check our YouTube channel “Nila Mystic TV”

Did you know that you can download the ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

In Appreciation of You,
Team Light Keys Wellness System

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