Why You Should Optimize Your Physical Health


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optimize strength

Everyone wants to look good and, more importantly, feel better. It’s a goal for people across the world. Every Dec 31st, we know at least three people are closing their eyes and swearing that this will be the year they get in shape and optimize their health. 

While some do, others don’t. Unfortunately, most of these people find that it’s too complicated, and they fall away from their new habits and lifestyle because they lack the motivation to get over that difficulty. This doesn’t mean that they’re bad people, just that they don’t understand how important and easy it can be to optimize physical health.

What Does It Mean to Optimize Physical Health?

When we talk about optimizing your physical health, we’re referring to a life of energy and balance, where managing symptoms is more straightforward or even unnecessary. So when you optimize physical health, you optimize your life and how you experience it. 

The best way to optimize physical health is through a holistic approach that addresses all aspects of your fitness, from diet to exercise. Optimizing your physical health is an intensely personal process that needs to come from a place that focuses on what you need most from your body and life.

Why Is It Important to Optimize Physical Health?

Live Longer

We know you’ve heard it a thousand times- when you optimize physical health, you reduce your chance of getting ill and developing diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer. In addition, the long-term benefits of optimizing your physical health have been extolled by doctors worldwide.

Live Stronger

Choosing to optimize physical health improves quantity and quality of life. While you live longer, you’ll also have more energy to enjoy your life. Optimizing your physical health also leads to a more balanced mood. 

Regular exercise has been called nature’s anti-depressant and has been proven to help with blood pressure, stress and anxiety. Getting yourself into shape means being more confident in your life, never having to catch your breath again, and living an optimized life.

How can I optimize Physical Health?

Back to Basics

Optimizing your physical health starts at the source. What do you need to survive? You might think it’s the next season of Stranger Things, but we’re talking about your physical health. Food, shelter, clothing, and access to healthcare are all necessary for your continued health. 

You can better augment your physical health once you’ve found ways to satisfy these basic needs (a better job, a safer home environment, or maybe taking advantage of government assistance programs).

Slow Down Stress

optimize stress

Managing stress is essential to your body’s health. Sustained high levels of stress have been shown to increase cortisol levels, leading to an increased risk of health problems, including digestive issues, heart disease and attack, and memory or concentration impairment. 

Finding ways to manage or cut out stress (meditation, changing cities or jobs, increased exercise) can slow down the attack of the stress hormones on your body and give your body a rest from it.

Nurturing Nutrition

We heard you groan when we brought up diet and nutrition, but it’s just a fact of life. Learning how to put better fuel in your body will help your motor run smoother and keep the car on the road longer. This doesn’t mean eating like a rabbit or hating the food you’re cooking. Instead, nutrition means learning how to put suitable materials in your body to make it work optimally.

Sleep Sweetly

Just like diet and nutrition, we all know that sleep is something we need more of. Getting the recommended 7-9 hours a night for an adult is necessary. Sleep is when your body produces essential hormones and repairs the wear and tear of the day.

Not getting enough means your body can’t bounce back, and you’re just adding to your stress levels. Poor sleep can bring about things like mood swings, delayed reactions, and reduced understanding. 

optimize sleep

The long-term effects include everything from high blood pressure to obesity. Unwinding before bed, turning off your electronic devices, and working out a sleep schedule that works for your needs are ways to sleep better.

Feel Better Fast

There are so many opinions on optimizing physical health that it can be overwhelming to find the best one. But, if you knew the best method to optimize physical health, you would do it without looking for another approach, right?

That’s why I created a beginner-friendly program. This all-inclusive program is the best stepping stone to your best life. Get started and optimize your physical health with my all-inclusive Back2Fit program today.

You can view the original post here

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