How to Meditate in as Little as 10 Minutes


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How to Meditate in as Little as 10 Minutes


How to Meditate in as Little as 10 Minutes a Day

With anything new you take on, there is always a learning curve. Meditation is something that doesn’t take a lot of practice, but it does require taking it on every day until it becomes a new habit.

You will get to a point where you could not imagine meditation not being a part of your daily life. You will wonder how you got along without it this far.

Meditation techniques:

As discussed previously in this report, it’s important to get accustomed to the various mindfulness techniques and get used to them. Choose the ones which are right for you. Choose the ones which are a perfectOnes would be a cookieJoshua combination for you and your lifestyle.

You may wish to incorporate your new-found breathing techniques along with your ability to shield or you may find that visualization along with centering works best for you. Whatever combination you choose, just make sure it works for you, your life and your particular situation.

Additionally, keep in mind that you will be able to mix and match these techniques according to the scenario in which it presents itself. For example, if you are feeling stressed about a new job, perhaps breathing and visualization will work best.

However, on the other hand, if you feel you are afraid to go into a social setting where you know no one, perhaps using the shielding and grounding techniques will work best for your particular scenario.

Making Time Instead of Making Reasons Why You Can’t

The biggest reason or excuse people say they don’t take on the practice of meditation is because they say they don’t have enough time. Not having enough time is not a true reason to disregard meditation.

If you had an injury, you would go to physical therapy. If you had an illness, you would go to see a doctor. Then it stands to reason that you can most certainly find 10 minutes per day to work your way toward a whole and complete life.

If you have to give up 10 minutes on your lunch hour or if you have to awake 10 minutes earlier three times per week or even if you go to bed 10 minutes earlier, you can certainly find time to incorporate 10 minutes into your day.

Another great idea is to find 10 minutes in the morning on one day and on the next, find 10 minutes during the night and thereafter find 10 minutes during lunch. This way, it keeps you accountable for your 10 minutes without feeling like a burden and more like a benefit.

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About the Author:

Hey, Kenya here your new yoga bestie! Allow me to introduce myself. I am a Certified Yoga Coach who loves helping busy moms to create more balance in their lives while reducing stress by practicing yoga on and off the mat. In addition to raising two kids, I am also a Course Creator, Author and Podcast host of “From My Mat to Yours” (available anywhere you listen to your podcast) Want to work with me? Click here to check out how.


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