How To Make Your Dreams Come True By Mastering Your Mindset


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How To Make Your Dreams Come True By Mastering Your Mindset

Diet Mindset

How To Make Your Dreams Come True By Mastering Your Mindset

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Your final session of mastering your mindset concentrates on embracing the dreamer part of your mindset.

It’s ok to have dreams when it comes to your life. They don’t have to be the generic dream list that everyone else has either. For your last April mastering your mindset session, Pascale will help you to bring your dreams and real-world goals together. Help you to become excited and passionate about making your dreams come true.

This week Pascale is encouraging you to dream big and really think about what your values are and what you want to move towards or away from. And in this week’s section of the downloadable workbook, there are some great examples that you might be able to relate to, such as:

  • Adventure 
  • Courage 
  • Fitness
  • Growth 
  • Sadness 

There is plenty of room to jot down what you want to have more of and what you want to experience less of, so you can see your dreams more clearly. And of course, it’s important to understand why you want these things and what difference they will make in your life.

Then it’s time to dream about the future and what you’d like to see in 1 year, 3 years and 5 years time. Really dig deep about what emotions you will feel when you make those dreams come true.

This way your dreams become more relatable to you in the present and feel so much more possible. You will be able to move into a place where you believe in yourself and your abilities. If it helps, you can do this exercise as if your future dreams had already happened.

It just takes you

The first step in mastering your mindset starts with you! So make sure you join Pascale on Tuesday the 26th of April at 7 PM over on the Secret Slimmers Facebook group. If you can’t make that time you can always catch the replay in the Guides section.

Your New You is waiting, go get it.

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