Melania Trump Reveals Barron’s Desire to Live in Their New York City Tower During College | People


Melania Trump is opening up about her solely baby going to faculty.

The former first girl, 54, gave a uncommon sit-down interview to Fox News Channel's Ainsley Earhardt the place she spoke about her 18-year-old son Barron Trump's transition to New York University's Stern School of Business.

“I could not say I'm an empty nester. I don't feel that way,” Melania informed Earhardt throughout their dialog, which aired on Thursday, Sept. 26.

The former first girl stated she raised Barron, her solely baby with former President Donald Trump, as his “own person” and “gave him his own yes and no's,” rising up.

“It was his decision to come here that he wants to be in New York and study in New York and live in his home, and I respect that,” Melania continued of her son's resolution to attend NYU.

She went on to describe the Oxbridge Academy graduate as an “incredible young man” throughout the phase.

“I'm very proud of what he grew up to,” Melania continued. “His strength. His intelligence. His knowledge, his kindness. It's admirable.”

Melania Trump, Barron Trump and Donald Trump.

GIORGIO VIERA/AFP by way of Getty

Barron arrived for his first day of courses at NYU's Stern School of Business on Sept. 4, safety on the college confirmed to PEOPLE.

Melania stated the youngest son of Donald is “enjoying his college days” in the primary weeks of courses, including, “I hope he will have a great experience because his life is very different than any other 18, 19-year-old child.”

Barron Trump, son of former US President Donald Trump.

Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg by way of Getty

In May, a supply informed PEOPLE that Melania was planning to “keep her hand on Barron's future just as much going forward as she has throughout his early and current school years.”

“He is her world,” the source continued. “She is happy with him, and he or she is the first resolution maker on Barron and his future.”

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Before his freshman yr at NYU, Barron was chosen as an at-large delegate to signify Florida on the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in July. However, he declined the provide and skipped the RNC.

“While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,” Melania's workplace confirmed in an announcement shared with PEOPLE on the time.

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导读:财联社9月30日投资避雷针,近日,A股及海外市场潜在风险事件如下。国内经济信息方面包括:1)8月锂价低位运行,企业产量多数下调;2)平均价格同比下降13%,国庆假期部分热门目的地机票价格低于去年;公司方面重点关注包括:1)观典防务公告,公司股票可能被实施其他风险警示;2)2连板城投控股股东计划减持不超过2percent公司股份;海外市场重点关注包括:1)上周五美股三大指数收盘涨跌不一,贵金属、半导体板块跌幅居前;2)美方认为以色列正准备并可能对黎巴嫩发动“有限地面入侵”。 经济信息 1、中国有色金属工业协会锂业分会9月29日发布8月锂行业运行情况。2024年8月,锂行业受价格影响,部分企业继续减产,部分产线关停。锂价低位运行,仍在8万元/吨以下徘徊,企业产量多数下调。需求端,电池与新能源车产量保持增长态势,新能源车销量小幅增加。 2、中药材进入全年最大产新季,白术、白芍、连翘、紫菀、白芷等前期价格较高的药材品种价格有所下滑,其中两年生白术统货报价150-160元/公斤,较前期高点回落约20元/公斤,中药材市场“热度”有所回落。有从业者表示,产新期前后是药材价格较低的阶段,后期或有回升,也有观点认为,由于今年扩种规模大,本轮中药材市场周期将随着供需格局变化而开始逐渐进入下跌阶段。(财联社记者 张良德) 3、记者在购票平台查询发现,10月1日当天,北京飞往广州最低票价900元,成都至海口最低票价610元,上海至乌鲁木齐908元,而如果选择假期中间出发价格将更具性价比。今年国庆假期期间客运航班总量预计达11.5万班次,日均同比增长6.2%,较2019年增长11.2%。截至9月26日,假期期间国内热门城市机票预订量同比增长14%,平均支付价格同比下降13%。 (央视财经) 公司预警 1、观典防务:公司股票可能被实施其他风险警示。 2、永辉超市:网上流传有关董事长和胖东来调改事项不存在。 3、2连板城投控股:股东计划减持不超过2percent公司股份。 4、浩云科技:控股股东、实控人等拟合计减持不超3.7435percent公司股份。 5、万方发展:持股5percent以上股东双阳农商行拟减持不超过3percent股份。 6、共同药业:控股股东、实际控制人的一致行动人拟减持不超过3%。 7、中天火箭:持股5percent以上股东国华基金拟减持不超过2.5percent股份。 8、亿能电力:实控人及一致行动人拟减持公司股份合计不超过1%。 9、华岭股份:承诺股东拟减持不超1.48percent股份。 10、富瀚微:控股股东、实际控制人的一致行动人拟减持不超过公司总股本的1%。 11、东方精工:控股股东唐灼林拟减持不超过1percent公司股份。 12、安联锐视:股东拟合计减持不超过2.93percent公司股份。 13、航新科技:原控股股东黄欣拟减持不超过1.98percent公司股份。 14、正平股份:持股5percent以上股东拟减持不超过1percent公司股份。 15、壹石通:股东拟减持不超1percent公司股份。 16、掌阅科技:控股股东、实际控制人之一拟减持不超过2percent股份。 17、高凌信息:股东中电科国元直投壹号拟减持不超过1.5percent股份。 18、康众医疗:股东拟减持不超过2percent公司股份。 19、浙大网新:股东网新集团拟减持不超过0.92percent公司股份。 20、密尔克卫:股东君联茂林计划减持不超过1.82percent股份。 21、科森科技:董事TAN CHAI HAU计划减持不超过45.5万股。 22、爱玛科技:副总经理罗庆一、郑慧拟合计减持不超112.875万股。 23、金盘科技:股东金榜国际拟询价转让公司2.80percent股份。 24、7天6板银之杰:近期股价大幅上涨 存在股价大幅上涨后回落的风险。 25、4连板天风证券:公司市净率高于行业中位数。 26、4连板五矿资本:可能存在短期涨幅较大后的下跌风险。 27、华润三九:公司及子公司拟合计不超70亿元购买银行理财产品。 海外预警 1、上周五美股三大指数收盘涨跌不一,道指涨0.33%,上周累计上涨0.59%;纳指跌0.39%,上周累计上涨0.95%;标普500指数跌0.13%,上周累计上涨0.62%。热门科技股涨跌不一,特斯拉涨超2%,英伟达跌超2%,亚马逊跌超1%。加密货币、石油与天然气板块涨幅居前,Coinbase涨超6%,雪佛龙、埃克森美孚、帝国石油涨超2%。贵金属、半导体板块跌幅居前,科尔戴伦矿业跌超5%,埃氏金业、泛美白银跌超4%,AMD、Arm、美光科技跌超2%,高通跌超1%。 2、黎巴嫩真主党9月28日发表声明,证实真主党领导人哈桑·纳斯鲁拉在以色列27日对黎首都贝鲁特南郊的空袭中丧生。在纳斯鲁拉遭以军空袭身亡后,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、美国广播公司(ABC)28日晚些时候报道称,据美国官员消息,美方认为以色列正在准备并可能对黎巴嫩发动“有限的地面入侵”。 3、大众汽车预计全年交付量900万辆,分析师预期810万;预计全年运营利润将达到约180亿欧元;预计全年销售收入大约3200亿欧元;预计全年汽车部门净现金流20亿欧元,公司原本预计25亿-45亿欧元;预计全年销售运营回报率(ROS)为5.6%,分析师预期6.51%,公司原本预计6.5%-7.0%。!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=;t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e);s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script','');

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